Premium Cigars in the Month of Octavian
Many European countries see August as a holiday, but it is back-to-school month in the United States. Perfect time to study premium cigars!
Premium Cigars in the Month of Octavian
Premium Cigars and Missouri
Savor Your Premium Cigar
Premium Cigars, Boutique Cigars, Small Batch, Artisan, WTF
Prick, Plug, or Perique Tobacco?
Perique Tobacco, Cigars for Warriors, and Uncle Brody
Contemplating Premium Cigars and the Local Cigar Shop
Geometry and Premium Cigar Size
A Deeper Dive into Premium Cigars
Premium Cigar Shapes
I'm thinking of taking up pipe smoking. What's next?
What's the best way to store my premium cigars?
Premium Cigar Complexity
Premium Cigar Flavor
Strength = Nicotine
Body ≠ Strength