According to the History Channel, the Continental Congress voted for independence on July 2nd, but formally adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. We're certain that premium cigars were smoked in celebration on each day.
This year, Independence Day falls on a Tuesday, raising the possibility of a week-long celebration! Bailey's Cigar Room in Carencro, LA will be open regular hours the entire time.
Along with fireworks, grilling has become part of our July 4th celebrations. You may not have Tony Soprano's expertise when it comes to starting a fire, but you can join him in spirit with a couple premium cigars. The question becomes - what to smoke? You've got options!
You could go patriotic by smoking premium cigars with American tobacco: Brick House Double Connecticut, CAO America, Charter Oak Connecticut or Maduro. We suggest a different option. Pay homage to a favorite cigar smoking American, Tony Soprano. Grab a CAO Consigliere and fire up your grill. Then sit back and celebrate your independence like a boss!